Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Oak Island.

So, there is this place, known to people as Oak Island. There is a bit of a story behind it. For years and years and years, people have spent their life savings, even died, trying to figure out what is down there. Throughout the years, many things have been discovered. Pillars, bodies, water, more water. No one can quite figure out just how the whole concept came to be. Every time some one tries to dig, it mysteriously fills up with water. Man made beaches were discovered. Mystery after mystery. It is said that the island is also cursed. Do I believe this? No, I do not.

Everyone who hears about this has their own opinion about what is actually down there. Some people say it is pirates. Others think that it could be some religious thing that could possibly change religion all over the world, or possibly destroy it.

In my personal opinion, I think it is a city on top of a city. I believe that there is some type of maybe lost city down there, almost like Atlantis. There could be a whole other world down there that is not meant to be found. Clearly if some one put that much effort into hiding it from the world, I truly think that it is not meant to be discovered. Just let it be and leave it alone. People have already destroyed the island enough in hopes to crack the mystery which is Oak Island. Clearly, if some one put that much time, thought, and plan into this, what ever is down there, what ever mystery lies beneath the surface, is meant to remain a mystery until it is time to reveal itself.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

IDC Ken Robinson's talk.

Alright, my thoughts about Ken Robinson's talk very much agree with everything that he said.
One point that stands out in my mind was when he talked about the girl who teachers thought had ADHD just because she couldn't keep still in school.
I know that I have that problem sometimes so does that mean I have ADHD too?
She turned out to be a dancer. She just learned differently. I think that teachers and schools should actually take the time to find out just what interests students when it comes to their learning habits. If the majority of the class groans and moans when an overhead is put up, I think that the teacher should try to find a way to get the students involved in what is going on because chances are the student is not going to pay the least bit of attention to what is being discussed.
What we are being taught in schools these days does not always prepare us for the world ahead of us. There are some things in the world that you can't learn through a text book, no matter how many useless pieces of information are shoved into our already over stuffed brains.
Schools don't teach you common sense. They don't teach you how to be social. Now, kids whip out their cell phone if they want to talk to some one and they text message them. What happened to calling some one up and talking to them? Saying "Hey! What's up? Wanna do something today?".
Children are much more social. They have their friends at school, that favourite blanket, or that imaginary world they created just for them. Almost everyone can admit to having an imaginary friend. Once we get old enough to understand that having something like that is silly, it just goes away. When actually, it is not silly at all. It shows how creative and imaginative that child is. They create this whole world just for them. Everything in their are things they like, things they want, things that make them happy. When you get to school, you are forced to remember dates, numbers, names, things that you are not used to. Over the years, you start more into the harder subjects like math and science. They have no room for creativity, besides the diagrams you draw or the pictures you doodle in your binder because you're too bored to pay attention.
I definitely agree that schools should encourage creativity and imagination.

my experience with blogging

Bonjour, Hola, Hello!

So, my experience with blogging is pretty much non existant.
I have never blogged before.
So this is all new to me.

' Ashley.