Thursday, May 21, 2009

technology in classrooms?

Look around you. Technology is everywhere. Yes, including schools. Whether it is a cell phone to an iPod or a computer to a smart board, technology pops up everywhere you go. Text books are starting to become unheard of and computers are taking their places. Personally, I think it is a good idea to an extent. I know that I learn a lot better when I have some type of physical thing infront of me, NOT A TEXT BOOK! READING PUTS US TO SLEEP PEOPLE! But if some one popped in a movie or had a video playing through a projector, I would pay attention and actually be interested in what people are saying. Text books now are just excess baggage teens have to carry around. A lot of the time they just get lost or you never use them. How many classes now actually use a text book regularly? Not many I assume. And I'm probably right. I know that one of classes actually uses one a lot which would be sociology. The rest you hardly use them. Kids just go to spark notes to see what the book is about that they have to read. I mean if you did a survey of how many kids actually read the books they are given, you would be pretty shocked as to the amount of students who actually do not read them. The education system needs to at least make a mental note of this problem. Adapt it so that we don't have to read books. Make slide show presentations, smart board presentations, watch movies. Something that is actually up to date and in the 21st century because right now, it seems pretty old school to me which is very boring. Change things up. It won't be that hard to do, besides having to teach all the old teachers how to use the new technology. Students now can pretty much do anything with a computer. I admit we do spend too much time texting or on Facebook or Chloe's obsession, Twitter. Fights start because of things that happen on facebook or anything like that. It's ridiculous actually. I don't know why people get their lives so consumed in this drama and bologna. We need to find a way to keep that out of school life because it does ruin our day if some girls start drama about you because of something you posted on a friend of a friend's picture which she posted two months ago right after her 17th birthday party you went to only because you were friends with her at the time but now you hate each other because she wore the same thing as you did to school one day but you had it first and she thinks she had it first when actually its not the same shirt it just looks alot alike but hers is a slightly lighter purple than yours is and she got hers from a completely different store that you don't shop at just because she shops there. ( THE LONGEST SENTENCE IN THE HISTORY OF THE GIFTED CLASS) But as I was saying, oh gosh I dont even remember what I was saying. Ill finish with technology should be embraced, not run away from screaming.

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