Friday, June 12, 2009

la finito of ANGELS AND DEMONS.

First off, I would just like to say.. HOLY MOTHER OF PEARLS! I LOVE THE BOOK! Okay, now that that is out of the way, I would like to say some other things. Some parts, *cough* like the first 100 or so pages of the book, made me wanna shove a rather sharp knife in my eye balls. IT WAS HORRIBLE. I know you need to understand that part to get the rest, but seriously! It was sooooo dry and booooooooooooring. SNORE. Other than that, I absolutely LOVED the book. I'll admit that I did not want to read the book at all. I was like great, this is going to be a bore. But turns out I liked it a lot. I would recommend it to others to read, but I would warn them a head of time.

Something new that I learned... well I sure learned a lot about CERN and Vatican City. I am not religious at all so I found that part quite interesting to see what some people believe in. And CERN, man I didn't know they could do that with particles. That sounds pretty darn amazing if you ask me.

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