Sunday, June 14, 2009

final presentation.. oh lord.

Alright, so. I did my presentation. I had not really gone over it completely at home because I know how the class likes to talk so I did not know how long that would take and how long it would take to explain things soooo, I ended up being short of time. I had SO MUCH MORE TO TALK ABOUT! In my booklet thing I handed in, I actually wrote two pages of things I could have talked about but I did not include. I love how the class talks, its quite entertaining, but when you're trying to do a presentation.. it gets irritating. I really wish I could have gotten everything out I wanted to say. It would have made me feel so much better about it. I thought it went okay though. The class seemed pretty interested in it, for the most part. I learned not to show the class videos of cars crashing. They don't shut up lol. But I did learn a few things doing this project like some of the history of the sport and the flags. Who knew a crazy obsessive person like me doesn't know EVERYTHING about the sport. Weird. I think that the class did learn a bit about it. It was cool for the kids who didn't even know what NASCAR was because now they have an idea of how it goes down, which made me feel pretty good. :) I think it was about an 80. I always hate being asked to grade myself because I really have no idea how I did or how bad I did. I always feel like I do really good and then get the mark sheet back and I end up getting like a 68. I could be way off for all I know. But I honestly have no idea what the mark should be. It didn't really relate to school in any way but it is something that I am EXTREMELY passionate about. I love to tell people about it. Like I honestly do. I get extremely competitive when it comes to NASCAR. I have been known to yell at the TV, throw things, scream, cry. It's just horrible. I'm not a violent person but if something goes wrong that I don't like, you'll know. I don't really know how I got hooked on the sport but I guess it's just something that's up to the individual. I mean everyone likes things for their own reasons. ANYWAYS, back to the project. 40% of the final mark.. wow. I'm kind of scared to see how I did. I definitely don't think that this project is worth that much. 15% I would say.. but 40. I was stressing out about that number all week, actually the last few weeks. I'll admit I did leave things to the last minute but in my defense, I know a lot about it already so I did not entirely have to do much research. Mainly just look up the videos and the pictures for the most part. But overall, I was kind of happy because of the topic, but I wish I could have had 2 classes to do this because I was short and did have A LOT of information left to share.

1 comment:

  1. the class enjoyed your presentation..a nice addition to the class
