Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Twitter and dying?

Okay, let me first start off by saying WHAT THE HELL DOES TWITTER HAVE TO DO WITH BEING AFRAID OF DYING?! As I read this article, I was thinking to myself that exact question. He stated that he thinks many people "tweet" because they are afraid of being alone or dying. If I was afraid of being alone, or dying, I would surround myself with fuzzy, cute, happy, bright and colourful things. Not immerse myself in Twitter. If I was afraid of dying, why would I do that? It just does not make any sense at all. It could just mean you have no excitement in your life so you want to spice it up by following the lives of other people. He said that the average user is 31 years old. 31. Facebook's average user is probably about 16. It says something too that Facebook is being taken over by teenagers. Twitter could be a place to go for those older people who don't like the teens on Facebook. But I still don't see why you would join Twitter if you were afraid to die. It seriously baffles me and makes me laugh at this. I could just keep asking myself the same question over and over. Why? Why why why why why? It honestly confuses me to an extreme amount of confusion. Dying alone? Twitter can ease that fear of dying alone? How could something you find on the Internet, a place similar to Facebook, ease your fear of dying? In my opinion, it would make you feel insignificant compared to some famous people who might be out there on Twitter. If some one has something exciting going on, or says something profound, you could feel pretty dumb for not knowing what they are talking about. I might just be rambling now and it might not make sense to any of you, but to me this makes perfect sense..in a way. Facebook AND Twitter to me are pointless. Yes, they are addicting and I myself spend countless hours on Facebook creeping on people just because I'm friends with my sister's best friend's cousin's daughter's friend Rachel. I sit there and look at peoples pictures of parties and see just how wasted people can get. I guess on Twitter you can't do that so its a cleaner, smaller version of Facebook. Before this class, I had no idea what Twitter was. Now I hear that word everywhere. Twitter this, Twitter that. Oh did you hear? So and so is now on Twitter and I'm following her. What is the point? Is it a way to express yourself to millions of people all over the world? Maybe. And so be it. But when you start to examine something so thoroughly people are getting scared of dying alone so they join such things like Twitter, you know you might have gone too far and just caused some poor person to lose their last little bit of sanity. Hey, I know I ramble and a lot of what I say does not make sense, but it's just how I see things. And this is clearly one of those things I will never fully understand.

Science and Religion

Personally, I do not think that science and religion can be combined. I am a person who does not really believe in God or anything in the Bible. To me, it just seems so unrealistic that some one could build a boat that large to carry two of every species of animal on the Earth at the time. Things like that to me just don't make sense. It doesn't seem like something that could actually happen. It sounds like something that was made up. Now I don't mean to offend anyone by saying all this but it is just how I think about things. I believe that we were created through evolution. I believe the science behind all of this. It just seems much more logical to me. I have a friend who is extremely religious and I have talked to her about this many times. She argues with me that science is a bunch of bull and I argue with her that those religious things don't make sense. She of course knows that I do not mean to hurt her or offend her. She understands that this is my way of thinking. We even tried to consider each other's theories about this. It just caused us to get in a very large argument. It just seems so strange to think that religion and science could possible intertwine together. Scientists have tried to prove that these kind of things can't happen or never did so why would you want to work together? To me, this all just does not make sense. If you are very religious and enjoy science at the same time, thats fantastic. But when you are a scientist and you are religious, you can't let that stop you from thinking logically, or clearly. If you can find a way to do both and not let one interfere with the other, then perhaps the two can work together.

Earth Hour

This past Saturday March 28Th was Earth Hour. Usually, you see something on the Internet or on the news about this event but how many people actually pay attention to it? I don't have the answer to that but I would think not as many as they would hope so. During this one hour, you shut your lights off to try to save energy. Some people I know can't live without the TV on or the computer going so they would never do something like this ever. Then there are the people out there who are all "save the earth!" and would do anything they could in a heart beat. Personally, I think it is a good idea but it's just something small. They need to make it better and bigger. One hour out of one day to me is not big enough. They need to make it Earth Week or something along those lines. They could have many different things a day such as recycling , going and to clean up the environment, having one whole day where you try to use a little power/energy as you can by turning lights off, not using the TV or computer. I did participate in it with full intentions of keeping those lights off for an hour. I tried very hard. Turns out, I forgot to turn one light off before I left. As we were driving around town, I noticed many people left their lights on. A lot of houses had almost every light in their house on. Some were completely dark, but the area I drove through had many lights still on. I know that where I work, Tim Hortons, they had turned some lights off but not all of them seeing as they are a business and cannot run without some lights and equipment. I think that the idea of participating says something about people. If after that hour you are anxiously awaiting the moment you can turn your lights back on, they are not doing it for the right reasons. If you can easily sit there for an hour and not actually worry about what time it is, you are in it for the right reasons.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

the Pope lied to us?!

The Pope. The one and only Pope has recently told Africa a load of horse crap. His latest statement stated that "condoms don't stop HIV". WAS HE ON CRACK? Was he smoking something before he said that? I clearly think so. Last time I checked, condoms did help to prevent that. Like, think about it. It's a latex barrier. Unless it breaks(you better hope that it doesn't), you're pretty much good to go. But this man, this wise old man, is telling us "no it does not work and don't use them". STOP. EVERYBODY STOP. STOP THE WORLD FROM SPINNING. STOP THE CLOCKS. The POPE!? has just told us something we all know is COMPLETELY NOT TRUE. Scientists I'm sure would love to confront this man and tell him what's what. I know I would. Sure it's what he believes in, but honestly? No. He's full of it. :)

parental units.

Okay. So my 14 year old sister could pretty much kill some one and get away with it. Now if I tried that, I would probably end up in jail for the rest of my human life. My parent's let her get away with absolutely anything. She never gets grounded. She never gets anything taken away from her. She's their perfect child. I'll admit, I was not the easiest tween to raise in the world. I had a pretty big attitude, not going to lie. But I was no where near as bad as she is. I would be grounded all the time. I think, one year, there was a total of maybe 2 months when I was not grounded. Now did I mention that my parents don't ground for days at a time. It is always WEEKS at a time. So I would be grounded all the time. I would get the TV taken away, I would get the computer taken away. I would get the phone taken away. I would get my baby taken away, my cell phone. But she would not get anything. She still doesn't. I told my parents that one day. Okay, that was a lie. I pretty much screamed it at them and they called me a baby and crazy. Clearly, I am not crazy. Not at all. But WHY?! Did I do something wrong? Say something wrong? I don't think I'm that bad. And I know that my sister is so taking advantage of that. I mean what in the world will make them realize? HELLO?! YOUR LITTLE PRINCESS IS ACTUALLY A RAT! Don't get me wrong, I love my sister. She's just evil. :)

there's enough A+'s to go around.

There's this University professor who just gave everyone in his class an A+ and said not to worry about grades. He just taught them and didn't even do the 'proper' teacher thing and grade them and pick them apart in everything that they handed in. To me, this is kind of not the right thing to do. I personally think its not a bad idea. Grades are rather weird. Some person somewhere decided to tell us that we need to have a number attached to our intelligence. That number tells you that you are either smart or dumb, for lack of a better word. You never really know why some one gets the mark they do. Sometimes the person is a a bright student who puts everything into their work and gets like a 99%. Sometimes people are just not into what they're doing and don't give it their everything, so they might end up with like a 65%. The person could just be going through a tough time. Or, they could just be not that smart. Either way, why do we have to have a number telling us how successful we will be? I honestly don't agree with that.