Thursday, March 26, 2009

there's enough A+'s to go around.

There's this University professor who just gave everyone in his class an A+ and said not to worry about grades. He just taught them and didn't even do the 'proper' teacher thing and grade them and pick them apart in everything that they handed in. To me, this is kind of not the right thing to do. I personally think its not a bad idea. Grades are rather weird. Some person somewhere decided to tell us that we need to have a number attached to our intelligence. That number tells you that you are either smart or dumb, for lack of a better word. You never really know why some one gets the mark they do. Sometimes the person is a a bright student who puts everything into their work and gets like a 99%. Sometimes people are just not into what they're doing and don't give it their everything, so they might end up with like a 65%. The person could just be going through a tough time. Or, they could just be not that smart. Either way, why do we have to have a number telling us how successful we will be? I honestly don't agree with that.

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