Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Twitter and dying?

Okay, let me first start off by saying WHAT THE HELL DOES TWITTER HAVE TO DO WITH BEING AFRAID OF DYING?! As I read this article, I was thinking to myself that exact question. He stated that he thinks many people "tweet" because they are afraid of being alone or dying. If I was afraid of being alone, or dying, I would surround myself with fuzzy, cute, happy, bright and colourful things. Not immerse myself in Twitter. If I was afraid of dying, why would I do that? It just does not make any sense at all. It could just mean you have no excitement in your life so you want to spice it up by following the lives of other people. He said that the average user is 31 years old. 31. Facebook's average user is probably about 16. It says something too that Facebook is being taken over by teenagers. Twitter could be a place to go for those older people who don't like the teens on Facebook. But I still don't see why you would join Twitter if you were afraid to die. It seriously baffles me and makes me laugh at this. I could just keep asking myself the same question over and over. Why? Why why why why why? It honestly confuses me to an extreme amount of confusion. Dying alone? Twitter can ease that fear of dying alone? How could something you find on the Internet, a place similar to Facebook, ease your fear of dying? In my opinion, it would make you feel insignificant compared to some famous people who might be out there on Twitter. If some one has something exciting going on, or says something profound, you could feel pretty dumb for not knowing what they are talking about. I might just be rambling now and it might not make sense to any of you, but to me this makes perfect sense..in a way. Facebook AND Twitter to me are pointless. Yes, they are addicting and I myself spend countless hours on Facebook creeping on people just because I'm friends with my sister's best friend's cousin's daughter's friend Rachel. I sit there and look at peoples pictures of parties and see just how wasted people can get. I guess on Twitter you can't do that so its a cleaner, smaller version of Facebook. Before this class, I had no idea what Twitter was. Now I hear that word everywhere. Twitter this, Twitter that. Oh did you hear? So and so is now on Twitter and I'm following her. What is the point? Is it a way to express yourself to millions of people all over the world? Maybe. And so be it. But when you start to examine something so thoroughly people are getting scared of dying alone so they join such things like Twitter, you know you might have gone too far and just caused some poor person to lose their last little bit of sanity. Hey, I know I ramble and a lot of what I say does not make sense, but it's just how I see things. And this is clearly one of those things I will never fully understand.

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