Thursday, March 26, 2009

the Pope lied to us?!

The Pope. The one and only Pope has recently told Africa a load of horse crap. His latest statement stated that "condoms don't stop HIV". WAS HE ON CRACK? Was he smoking something before he said that? I clearly think so. Last time I checked, condoms did help to prevent that. Like, think about it. It's a latex barrier. Unless it breaks(you better hope that it doesn't), you're pretty much good to go. But this man, this wise old man, is telling us "no it does not work and don't use them". STOP. EVERYBODY STOP. STOP THE WORLD FROM SPINNING. STOP THE CLOCKS. The POPE!? has just told us something we all know is COMPLETELY NOT TRUE. Scientists I'm sure would love to confront this man and tell him what's what. I know I would. Sure it's what he believes in, but honestly? No. He's full of it. :)

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