Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Earth Hour

This past Saturday March 28Th was Earth Hour. Usually, you see something on the Internet or on the news about this event but how many people actually pay attention to it? I don't have the answer to that but I would think not as many as they would hope so. During this one hour, you shut your lights off to try to save energy. Some people I know can't live without the TV on or the computer going so they would never do something like this ever. Then there are the people out there who are all "save the earth!" and would do anything they could in a heart beat. Personally, I think it is a good idea but it's just something small. They need to make it better and bigger. One hour out of one day to me is not big enough. They need to make it Earth Week or something along those lines. They could have many different things a day such as recycling , going and to clean up the environment, having one whole day where you try to use a little power/energy as you can by turning lights off, not using the TV or computer. I did participate in it with full intentions of keeping those lights off for an hour. I tried very hard. Turns out, I forgot to turn one light off before I left. As we were driving around town, I noticed many people left their lights on. A lot of houses had almost every light in their house on. Some were completely dark, but the area I drove through had many lights still on. I know that where I work, Tim Hortons, they had turned some lights off but not all of them seeing as they are a business and cannot run without some lights and equipment. I think that the idea of participating says something about people. If after that hour you are anxiously awaiting the moment you can turn your lights back on, they are not doing it for the right reasons. If you can easily sit there for an hour and not actually worry about what time it is, you are in it for the right reasons.

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